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Stinging insects are commonly found in Chicago, Illinois. They are often pests in our area. Therefore, you must be ready to deal with an infestation of stinging insects because they can be dangerous. The most common stinging insects in our area include bald-faced hornets, honeybees, carpenter bees, paper wasps, and yellowjackets. These insects belong to the Hymenoptera order which is also home to ants. One thing to know is that stinging insects are great pollinators. They can help, but they can create problems too. If these pests are far away from your property, leave them alone. If they’re on your property, it is pertinent to get rid of them.
Before you can do this, you must find out more about the stinging insect you’re dealing with. Take the time to identify the stinging insect species. Use the advice below to find out what you’re dealing with.
Which Stinging Insect Is On Your Property?
Before you can address the infestation, you need to learn more about the pest on your property. Take steps to identify the stinging insect species. It is best to do so by judging the pest based on its appearance.
Paper Wasps
In Chicago, paper wasps are incredibly common. Paper wasps are not as aggressive as some of the other stinging insects in our city. Nevertheless, they will sting from time to time. Stay away from their nests and keep your hands to yourself. Do this and you likely won’t get stung. Paper wasps build small nests that are gray and round. The nest has a honeycomb design, so it is easy to spot. Paper wasps build nests under eaves and under overhangs.
At the very least, there are two paper wasp species in our area. The European Paper Wasp is one of the most common paper wasps in our area. They have black and yellow stripes while their antennas are orange. They are like yellowjackets but they’re slightly larger. You’ll also encounter Northern Paper Wasps. These paper wasps have brown bodies with a few orange sports.
Unfortunately, yellowjackets are common in the city of Chicago. Yellowjackets are one of the most aggressive and dangerous stinging insects in our area. They will sting multiple times when possible. The colony will reach its maximum size in late summer and early fall. As this happens, the pest will become more aggressive. Yellowjackets build large nests that can house thousands of stinging insects. They’ll cover their nests using a black or gray material like paper. Although some species build underground nests, most nests are going around attics and porches.
These stinging insects feature brown and yellow stripes on their bodies and heads. They have black antennas.
Bald-Faced Hornets
Bald-faced hornets are very aggressive and get more aggressive in late summer and early fall. It is wise to stay away from their nests because they can create serious issues for people and pets. These pests build nests on buildings, tall grass, and trees. Their bodies are smooth and black and white.
Although honeybees can create issues, they usually do not. They’re one of the gentler stinging insects in Chicago. You shouldn’t have to worry about them stinging you. They can, but it doesn’t happen too often. It is possible to breed honeybees to make them gentle. One thing to note is that these stinging pests build intricate combs with wax. They build their nests on cavities in walls and rocks. They have a honeycomb design. Honeybees return to the same nest for multiple years. They collect honey to ensure they have plenty of food for the cold winter months.
These pests have brown, fuzzy bodies. They’re yellow or orange.
Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees are less aggressive than most other stinging insects. They compete with honeybees to be the least aggressive stinging pest in our area. They build holes in wood surfaces and use those holes to care for their young. Their 3/8” holes are bored in the wood fascia, wood siding, and wood decks. Carpenter bees look like bumblebees but they’re larger. In our area, we have carpenter bees with fuzzy, black, and yellow thoraxes. Their bodies are black and hairless. A male will have a yellow dot on his face.
Risks Linked To Stinging Insects
As the name implies, stinging insects can indeed sting. Therefore, the risks are immense. However, they might not be as high as most people believe. One thing to note is that male stinging insects cannot sting. They’re going to defend their nests to the best of their ability though. Female stinging insects of all species can sting. Surprisingly, they’re less aggressive than their male counterparts. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about them too much. You can determine the aggression level of the stinging insect by looking at its nest. If the nest is larger than normal, the pests are going to be very aggressive.
Stay away from large stinging insect nests. Although all nests are bad, underground nests are worse. You likely won’t be able to avoid an underground yellowjacket nest. If you step on the wrong spot, you could get stung multiple times. Monitor your health and get medical attention if necessary.
Causes Of Stinging Insect Invasions
Stinging insects invade properties because they’re looking for places to build nests. They’re attracted to untreated softwoods. Paint or stain the wood and you might keep these pests away from your home.
Removing Stinging Insect Infestations
You must begin working to eliminate stinging insects immediately. The colony is only going to get bigger. As this happens, the stinging insects on your property are going to get more aggressive. You might be able to kill the stinging insects using do-it-yourself sprays. However, there are many risks involved. If you spray a stinging insect nest, the pests are going to get angry and try to sting you. They’re going to do whatever they must to defend their nests. Wait until the sun goes down because they’ll be less aggressive then. There is still a risk you’ll get stung. Therefore, we think it is best to work with a qualified exterminator in your work.
Call us so we can remove the stinging insects for you right away.
We Offer the Safest Stinging Insect Treatments
We are confident that we can provide our clients with the safest stinging insect treatments. We take numerous steps to ensure that our clients are going to be protected during each phase of the treatment process. We train our technicians extensively while placing a significant emphasis on client safety. Therefore, our clients are going to follow certain techniques to keep you safe. When you work with us, you can maintain your peace of mind knowing we’re going to do whatever it takes to protect you. Our treatments use EPA-registered products that are safe for everyone involved.
The Cost Of Our Exterminations
Many of our clients are worried about the prices. Don’t be. We strive to offer reasonably priced services. When dealing with stinging insects, the price of our service is going to depend on several factors, including the species of stinging insect, the size of your property, the size of the nest, and the nest’s location. Our technician is going to give you a bid price before the procedure begins.
When Can Someone Start?
Deal with a stinging insect infestation as quickly as possible. The best way to do that is by picking up the phone and calling us. We’re always here to help our clients. After your call, one of our representatives will call you within 24 to 48 hours.
Preventing Invasions In The Future
Be sure to take steps to prevent wasps and bees from invading your property. There are numerous ways to make it harder for stinging insects to invade your property. Start by dealing with untreated softwoods around your home. Paint or stain your softwoods to make them less attractive. You’ll also want to sign up for our home service program. Once you’ve signed up, we’re going to send a technician to your home three times every year. The technician will check your property for stinging insects and other pests. If pests are found, the property will be treated immediately. The treatment costs are covered by the annual fee.
If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.